May 24th, 2010
Red Dead Hilarity
Red Dead Hilarity
While bugs in video games can range from those which have little to no effect on the gameplay, to those which have a major effect, several Redemption bugs which have appeared overnight are more funny than annoying or effective on gameplay.
The videos below depict four "rare" species of animals which were all found in one game session:
1. First is the "Cougar Man" - an animal with the face and body of an human male, and the bite of a Cougar
2. Second is the "Flying Deer" - a mythical reindeer like creature who appears to have some issues with leg movement
3. Third is the "Donkey Lady" - a gentle animal with the body of a women, but face and speed of a trusted steed
4. Fourth and last is the "Gunslinger Dog" - an amazingly dexterous creature with the body of a wolf and voice of a true fighter
Say what you will about the bugs in Red Dead Redemption, but I think these are by-far the funniest bugs I have ever seen in a video game.
Rockstar has already stated that they are aware of, and in the process of fixing, the bugs which have been plaguing some Red Dead Redemption players, and there is no doubt that they have received an awful amount of criticism over said bugs. Myself, I can't honestly say I have encountered any noticeable bugs thus far; regardless of that, I can understand that some are unhappy about the issues they have encountered, though I don't believe criticism is needed, it will definitely be a relief to see the bugs patched.
Videos thanks to WhereDaBootz.