April 11th, 2010

Red Dead Redemption Facebook app released

Published at 6:06 PM PST

Rockstar Games has released the Red Dead Redemption Facebook mini-game titled "Red Dead Gunslingers" a little ahead of schedule. I've been playing it almost all day today and it's very fun and very addictive. When you start a battle with someone, you will be treated with a video of the battle which is a lot more satisfying than just text saying "You Won" like in Mafia Wars. For example:

Oh and if you need someone for your posse, feel free to add me.

Source: Red Dead Gunslingers

EDIT: To be fair, Jeronimo was a very low level when I killed him. After he built up his level a bit, he came back at me and killed me.


When I got back home today, I find that Jeronimo hasn't been working today but playing Red Dead Gunslingers building his level up past mine to a level 18 outlaw while I'm only a level 15 fasthands. My first rematch against him ended up with me only getting a shot off at his hand while he got two shoulder hits.


I wasn't going to let that keep me down, I tried lady luck and ended up killing him with no shots fired off at me.

Shall we 'Let Sleeping Rockstars Lie' or are you up for another rematch? :P