August 17th, 2007

GTA IV delay pushed $50-$80 Million from GameStop's Q3

Published at 6:00 AM PST

Games anaylis has said that the delay of GTA IV is a big cause for the shift GameStop’s expected $50-$80 profit from Q3 of 2007 into next year [When GTA IV will be released] Now that’s no pocket change…

“We believe the delay will shift $50–80 million in revenue (game and related sales) out of the quarterand into next year,”, “but believe that continued strong game and hardware sales will partially offset the shift.”

said Pachter

“We believe that GTA IV would have sold over 2 million copies in North America in its first two weeks,” he continued, “and think that GameStop would have captured 35% of these sales (around $40 million). We believe that the game would have driven hardware sales of at least $100 million, and think that GameStop would have captured a similar market share."