January 27th, 2008
Just how powerful is Euphoria?
Just how powerful is Euphoria?
If it's not the storyline and graphics that bring you to Grand Theft Auto 4, it will be the physics. Euphoria is the backbone of the entire game, doing things that nobody has yet tried. Realistic, true and sometimes funny animations that bring the world to life in a way we have not seen done before. A few articles as of late have discussed Euphoria and described the physic in-game, but without actual gameplay how do we know how powerful it really is?
Well some masterminds on YouTube put the trial version of Euphoria to the test and developed some basic scenes which you would expect in any GTA game. Now it is not gameplay firstly, this is simply animation, and it is not exact of course. These are not from Rockstar so don't be thinking this is something spectacular, it's just some basic examples of what to expect. If you would like to try out Euphoria, NaturalMotion has a free time-unlimited version up for public download. The link is below.
Full version available on YouTube.
Download: Euphoria