July 25th, 2008

Team Bondi About to Swim With the Fishes?

Published at 11:30 PM PST

An interesting comment has been made on PlayStation Lifestyle on the article we talked about only yesterday. According to "Aus artist" the company recently lost all of it's lead programmers and are also having financial problems. To make matters worse, they haven't been able to fill the programmer spots. Certainly something you don't want to go though with a game nearing the final production phase. To confirm this comment, I headed over to the jobs page for Team Bondi and to my surprise there were seven positions for programmers. Certainly seems to confirm the Aus artist's comment.

Perhaps the comment is a lie and the openings on the the jobs page are just a coincidence, but something does smell fishy. What will happen to L.A. Noire if this is indeed true? Well, perhaps a Rockstar studio could take over and finish the game, just like what happened to Manhunt 2 or perhaps Rockstar could buy the studio. Rockstar Sydney anyone? I'm sure with Rockstar backing the studio it could get more people on board.

Again, all of this is just speculation until confirmed officially.

Sources: PlayStation Lifestyle and Team Bondi