July 8th, 2007

Manhunt 2 to contain Alternate Endings

Published at 6:00 AM PST

It's good to have some new information to write about after a 3 week long landslide of nothing but news on the Manhunt 2 banning. According to UK magazine which this week was released with an exclusive look at Manhunt 2 for the Nintendo Wii has shed some light on an interesting feature, alternate endings.

Depending on how you play your game will change the final outcome of the game. Playing your game violently using every weapon at your disposal making an absolute mess of your victims will result in a more dark ending, whereas using your stealth and an 'only kill when absolutely necessary' approach will lead to a more positive, and generally “nicer” ending. On top of this your killing methods and how you navigate yourself will also change the final stage of the game, the more violent you play the darker and more difficult the final stage will be. Thus the less blood you spill the easier the final stage. Only time will tell if we ever get to see this new feature in action.

Thanks to QJ.net for the tip.