October 27th, 2007

Manhunt 2 Was "Never" To Be Scrapped

Published at 10:13 PM PST

In a newly published interview with GameSpot, Manhunt 2 Producer Jeronimo Barrera said Rockstar Games never considered scrapping the Manhunt 2 project. He continued by saying that

"The challenge became how we were going to get the game out with the vision and story intact. The problem was that we didn't really get any direction. You don't get a list from the ESRB."

He also says that Rockstar and the Manhunt 2 team are happy with the outcome of the modified game, which was in response to the videos posted here and on IGN yesterday of the new blur effect in six gory  videos. The team also believed, and still do believe, that the original game and it's content was well within the limits of an M rated game.

"[We] still believe that the original submission was well within the bounds of an M rating."

That said, don't forget to be ready for the release of Manhunt 2 next week. If like me you were a die-hard fan on the first game, or the game style, be sure to pick it up on PlayStation 2, PSP or the Wii on October 30th at all good retailers. For discussion of the game, visit our forums. Stay tuned to RockstarWatch as in a few weeks we will have a walkthough. Also, if an uncut version does end up getting released in the Netherlands, we will have a comparison to the cut version in the coming weeks as well.

Thanks for the heads up Kotaku and the interview GameSpot.